Quote SCR-SeaDiver="SCR-SeaDiver"You mean like the can,similar in appearance to the ones provided for free in the goody bags,thrown in the direction of the KR players celebrating their final try ?
Maybe the action by the stewards has been due to complaints by the groundstaff after they have discovered
'objects' on the playing surface.
4 pages about people doing their jobs just because it is humiliating,degrading and annoying - but that is due to the state of the nation and it's inhabitants.
If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger ! Get over it.Take out your frustration on the individual who threw the can.It is specimens like him to blame.'"
The reasons given at the turnstiles are about carrying knives... and other weapons... the reasons by the chief steward were because they caught somebody with a bottle of vodka. Well if somebody wants to get a bottle of vodka in... they will... frisking or not.
To respond to other points made....
The frisks were random... On standing at the turnstiles with the chief steward watching other frisks take place... he said that they were targeting people who looked like they could be concealing items... such as those with big pockets and baggy clothes... to which I didn't fall into any category... this was agreed by the chief steward. We saw a couple of guys come through who weren't frisked by the same guy who got me... and they looked like they could have smuggled a land rover in.... It was very random... and completely un-called for.
I don't care what anybody says...
Frisking is not called for at a Rugby League game. There are people who have gone against the stadium regulations... and guess what... they were caught inside the ground... now... we are all being tarred with the same brush as those people. I saw old guys frisked who looked like they had never thrown a punch in anger... nevermind smuggle stuff into stadiums to stab somebody with.
If somebody wants to throw stuff... the can get stuff inside the ground to throw... as some have said... they were even handing out un-opened cans outside the ground... they would feel like a brick if they hit somebody... but that was allowed.
If they REALLY are that desperate to throw stuff... Coins can hurt too... are they going to take those off us ?
Flags are allowed in.... if somebody REALLY wants to stab somebody... you can make a pretty sharp stick when sharpening it against a breeze block... Are they going to be confiscated ?
And if we use the actual reason used by the chief steward... a bottle of alcohol... is it the glass that was the issue or the vodka... if it's the glass... does that mean we can take it in alcohol in a plastic bottle.... if it's the alcohol... does that mean they are going to ban alcohol inside the ground ? OR... Are these frisks actually taking place because it means the stadium could be losing money on sales of alcohol... if that's the case... THEN IT'S NOT WORTH FRISKING ME FOR !!!