Quote Stand-Offish="Stand-Offish"Pork pies should ideally be consumed fresh and still warm from the baking.
The warm jelly dripping down your slobbering chops.
There be orgasm country.
Eating them cold is a poor second IMHO'"
My apprenticeship as a surveyor was served in a first floor office above a sandwich shop, a 1970s office where everyone smoke and everyone drank coffee ALL DAY long, the guy I worked with would bawl me out if his coffee cup was empty.
My most important job of the day was at 10am, make another pot of coffee and then nip out of the fire escape door, down the metal escape ladder to the sandwich shop where they took delivery of a couple of dozen pork pies at 10 on the dot every day from the butchers across the road, sometimes those pies were too hot to carry.
I can't tell you how many building plans were totally ruined by some idiot (me) biting into a red hot growler and spilling liquid gelatine and fat all over the desk
I have worshipped them, hot or cold, ever since.
My christmas effort from the Paul Hollywood baking cook book seem simple enough, pork loin, bacon, onion and a gelatine leaf - I suspect that its the seasoning that counts to whether its just a meat pie made with pork, or a pork pie.