Quote CORNISH="CORNISH"You do realise mate that just as there is no God, there was nt a Jesus bloke either.
Are you happy knowing you are brain washing people into accepting your unfounded beliefs on others.
In my opinion, ALL preachers of ANY Religion should be jailed for at least spouting BS and at worse for brain washing.
Like smoking it should be banned for under 18s and then they can decide if they want to believe in your imaginary god/jesus/religion off their own back and not forced into it like those you preach to on sundays.
Here endeth the Sermon!!!'"
You are quite entitled to your opinion. In my opinion, there probably was a bloke. The message of love thy neighbour, non-retaliation and do to those as you would unto yourself if followed by all would make the world a better place.
I don't brain wash anyone. The kids at Sunday School are encouraged to think for themselves to draw their own conclusions. I encourage them to think of logical explanations to the 'miracles' and parables. What part of that is brain washing them?
Just out of interest, why do you have the flag of Israel in your signature?