Quote Roofaldo="Roofaldo"Noticed him make reference to our first half performances. Now good first half performances are all well and good but if they fall to pieces in the 2nd half what good does a good 1st 40 minutes do us?'"
Well, none, Sherlock. But he never said it did, did he?
And the humiliating collapse doesn't alter the fact of the good first 45 minutes performance, and when we certainly have a big problem in the side, it won't help to fix it to pretend that we either [ican't [/iplay, or played crap all game.
The obvious question for any side is, is it intrinsically a useless side that can't play, or is it a side with good players who can play? I'd say that the answer to that question is absolutely key in what you do to address the problems. Shouting down Hood in a "Na na na I don't want to hear it" unctuous rage for providing a correct analysis, now that's what I call pointless.