Quote boardwalkempire7="boardwalkempire7"It’s a moanathon.
The abuse he and Trueman had were more likely from anonymous posters. Like folk do on here posting behind a username.every sports club has abusive idiots.
Its his opinion, he’s left the club and no doubt he felt the abuse personally.'"
Scenarios like the above are one of the more disquieting aspects of the modern world.
There's always been supporters voicing an opinion towards players (i.e. slagging them off) particularly when a team aren't doing very well, but 30/40 years ago those opinions were largely confined to people sounding off to their mates in the pub on a Saturday/Sunday night. Within a few minutes those opinions, however vociferous, had disappeared into the wind, never to be heard again!
Now, of course, we have the joys of social media, where people ranting and blowing off steam (whether justly or unjustly) is not only recorded and available to view but, more importantly, can reach an audience way beyond a drunken few listening in the boozer! Everything on social media has a habit of appearing amplified, made worse by the ability for it to happen behind the mask of anonymity. These past ten days (post-Southport) have seen the ramifications of unregulated opinion in a way unimaginable in the past.
Communication is a wonderful thing, the basis of any true democracy, but there are times when the new modern media (in all its forms) can bring out the very worst traits in human behaviour in a way which does not reflect well on all of us as an (allegedly) civilised society. As I said earlier, people have always had opinions, sometimes very forceful opinions, but it is the way those opinions have become disseminated that separates the present from the past.