Quote Trojan Horse="Trojan Horse"It will all be very basic and minimum quality to get points I suspect.
Things like sprucing up and re purposing rooms, throwing some comfy seat covers on some seats and putting a section barrier round them calling them media seats etc. Things like that I would imagine.'"
Yes, I said it before and I'll say it again, there are some clubs out there that are(granted with a bit of a push from IMG) that are genuinely looking to make sustainable improvements for all of the right reasons and become a better club with better facilities etc. I think just looking at the things we are doing as a club, we fall into the category.
Then you have the clubs that aren't buying into it, that will scrape the bare minimum with sticking plasters (quite literally in some cases) all over the place just to pick up points on the technicality that they do meet a minimum criteria on something, this is Cas, it's very clear to see. This is a club that is going to pick up points under financial investment because there "investor" transferred a million pounds into the clubs bank account, with zero plans to actually use the money on the club and will be back in his pocket the first signs they've picked that point up... Again a loophole in the criteria.
Lets not forget though, before Matt Ellis arrived we probably fell into this category too.