Quote 666="666"Following last week's comment about the lack of coverage of Championship games by our beloved Radio Leeds, I thought that I would check their website for today's coverage.
Despite being titled 'West Yorkshire Sport' only the games at Wakefield and Castleford are listed as being covered. What has happened to the the coverage of the games at Dewsbury, Doncaster, Featherstone, Keighley and Sheffield, all of which are being played in Yorkshire, not forgetting the game over the border at Swinton, which involves Batley? That makes 6 Championship games as opposed to 2 Super League games.
Tomorrow evening, we'll have Tanya Arnold and (no doubt) Robbie Paul providing further coverage of Super League. Is there any wonder that the Championships are struggling for crowds when the BBC ignores them completely? Let's face it, in their eyes, we simply don't exist.
I will be unable to listen to the commentary today but would appreciate any feedback from those of you who do.
Finally, one point to remember .... we all pay our Licence Fee to the BBC, so why do they restrict their coverage to Super League clubs?
The last time that I criticised Radio Leeds in a programme article, it appeared to ruffle their feathers and they demanded an apology, despite the fact that everything that I wrote was, in my opinion, quite valid.'"
There is ONE reason why SL get most coverage
Championship would be lucky to see 50p!
Its what they pay for, therefore they expect to be able use their broadcast rights , also Leeds get 15,000 and cougars lucky to get 1000.
Who is showing the most interest and following?
I actually think that Radio Leeds cover the Cougars quite well.