Sorry 'Soupy', but how can you say:
Quote as they are mostly loyal and passionate about their club'"
when they start to leave the ground when Northern are losing - check numerous games if you don't believe me. Was it St Helens or Wigan a few years back, one Saturday evening, when they were losing by 30+ and, before half-time they were streaming for the gates! They're well-known for it!
There used to be a time in Cougarland (pre-Super League) when Northern shirts were few and far between. Now, you can't move for them! Mostly ex-Cougars I suspect - 'fairweather fans', 'glory-hunters' or whatever they're called. Those are the ones that need to be criticised - as well as the other SL clubs and the RFL!
There are some 'loyal' fans, but they're mainly Bradfordians, unlike those that Northern STOLE form the likes of Batley, Dewsbury, Halifax and Keighley with the advent of Super League!
So, tell me why, when a company is struggling financially, what do they do? They approach their shareholders for funding via a 'Rights Issue'. So why haven't Northern done this? Why ask everyone but their shareholders for additional funding? All that the sad, misguided fans are doing, with the help of former players, is supporting the current Board without gaining any influence at all! 'Give us your money and we'll continue to waste it'!