Quote HalifaxCougar="HalifaxCougar"Leaguefan are you saying a pre season friendly in February is an indication of how this season is going to pan out? Chill out relax and everything will be ok.'"
With all due respect to yourself Halifax Cougar and no offence meant but the time
to chill out and relax has gone , it's what the Board , Coach and team did last year
and this is where it got us ........ the league of doom , playing xrap rugby against
xrap teams infront of xrap crowds .
After all the rubbish and misguided attempts of chasing justice in the close season
not enough prep has been done. On paper we should have won hands down
against both Barrow and Swinton but as it happened we were outclassed by both teams. The Leigh game was a forgone conclusion , they are full time and against
that alone we had no chance , the whole thing was a complete and utter
nonsence and should never happened. It's not as if there will have been amy money much from it so it beggars belief what our glorious leader was thinking
organising that one.
The Board and Coach must now get together with the team and regroup , to restore
any pride and get them firing on all cylinders to give Gloucester a good hammering