Like it or, it's now a[i 'fait accompli'.[/i
That said, this sorry affair has led me to take a look at:
'The Operational Rules' (of the game as applied by the RFL).
Having failed to discover any reference to Paul March in respect of the alleged offence in the 'Disciplinary' section of the RFL's website I assumed that, because an appeal was pending, details of his punishment would be published after his appeal hearing. But apparently not.
So what does it say in the Rules of the Game?
Quote ). The Board's consent shall not be unreasonably withheld and the Board in reaching its decision shall pay due regard to the integrity of the respective competitions and the interests of the Game together with the interests of the Clubs playing Cup Ties or League Matches.
If you don't believe me then check it out for yourselves!
His name appears in the official document in section B3.9
Let's hope that this final decision about something that Paul March might have said spurs the players to great things. 'Don't let the ******** grind you down' to coin a phrase.CRITICISM OF MATCH OFFICIALS
B3:30It shall be an offence of misconduct for a Club, a player or any person serving in an official capacity with a Club (including, without limitation, a Club Official or coach) to make any public statements either orally or in writing which include criticism of the manner in which a referee or touch judge has controlled a game in which a Club has taken part or to issue such a statement to the media in any other form. Any offending Club(s) or person shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Section D1 of the Operational Rules.'"
Quote ). The Board's consent shall not be unreasonably withheld and the Board in reaching its decision shall pay due regard to the integrity of the respective competitions and the interests of the Game together with the interests of the Clubs playing Cup Ties or League Matches.
If you don't believe me then check it out for yourselves!
His name appears in the official document in section B3.9
Let's hope that this final decision about something that Paul March might have said spurs the players to great things. 'Don't let the ******** grind you down' to coin a phrase.Section D1: Offences, Penalties and Enquiries
D1:1The Compliance Manager shall have the burden of establishing that Misconduct has occurred. The standard of proof shall be whether the Compliance Manager has established that Misconduct has occurred to the reasonable satisfaction of the hearing body bearing in mind the seriousness of the allegation which is being made. This standard of proof in all cases is greater than a mere balance of probability but less than proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Where a Person subject to the Operational Rules wishes to rebut an allegation or charge of Misconduct or establish specified facts or circumstances, the standard of proof shall be by a balance of probability.
So here we have it verbatim from the RFL's own website. It's enough for someone to have 'PROBABLY' said something!
Oh, and just before I leave, I also noticed that someone (?) called 'Boarat' (any relation to 'Borat') is apparently involved! After all, it's in the Rules of the game for all to see! No wonder we have so many strange decisions being made both on and off the field despite the RFL insisting that the Rules are there to provide fairness of competition and a level playing-field (that is as long as you're not playing at Batley or Cougar Park [apologies to Batley, I really do like Mount (un)Pleasant).
B3:9A Club shall not play a friendly match (ie, any match other than a Cup Tie, a League Match an Event or a Match in any competition approved by the Boarat any time without receiving the prior written approval of the Board"icon_wink.gif. The Board's consent shall not be unreasonably withheld and the Board in reaching its decision shall pay due regard to the integrity of the respective competitions and the interests of the Game together with the interests of the Clubs playing Cup Ties or League Matches.
If you don't believe me then check it out for yourselves!
His name appears in the official document in section B3.9
Let's hope that this final decision about something that Paul March might have said spurs the players to great things. 'Don't let the ******** grind you down' to coin a phrase.