Quote Wigg'n="Wigg'n"Wraps his arm around and doesn't rotate - by definition it's not a shoulder charge
I think a lot of fans have got into the Pitchfork mentality and are looking for penalties at every opportunity given then RFL's attitude last few years, and now refs are showing more common sense the Fans are struggling to actually see what's in front of them and are still screaming for penalties and bans for everything
A few of our fans I've seen calling for Watts to be banned - I'm not Tech Savvy to start putting pics up but there wasn't much in it - Wardle passes and practically turns his back and Watts wraps his arm round and hits him pretty much across the Back - The amount of people claiming Watts almost decapitated him his ridiculous.
The Ref stated that there wasn't any Rotation from Walters to be a shoulder charge i.e. although he uses his shoulder he does it from a "Front on" perspective not turning side on
Rohan Smith also said something which I can kind of agree with which is the other player is in the position that normally Walters right arm would "Wrap" although I do think he possibly has to do a bit better to try.
So overall on balance I think it's just about ok and isn't the kind of "Shoulder charge" that they intend (Rightly or wrongly) to get out of the game.
The 3 Saints Bans I think they got about right
Matautia was late, from behind and no Wrap just a Shoulder
Sironen wasn't as bad as above so 1 game
Hurrell - front on but catches him high - If he had left the floor and thrown himself at the attacker it could have been a 4 or 5 - But 2 games is about right I reckon (Surprised no mention though of him not leaving the field directly).
Overall I think the new interpretations are working much better, leading to a better game and I'd like it to continue this way and fans (I would mainly blame the Twitter/FB Brigade who probably don't in the main go to the games) need to be Wary of wanting every decision to go their way so much as it creates a situation where the RFL react by putting Black & White rules in place that they apply 100% of the time and then get criticised for because they're not using common sense and get criticised by the same fans who want "Consistency".