Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"Dave, Ainscough is making mistakes time and time again. He made many of the same mistakes at academy level.
He is a very promising young winger, but had that been Mathers or Pryce many on here would have been calling for his head.
Noble was right today.'"
Rogue our club could commit murder and you would back them
You have been watching games at Orrell long enough to know that any faults displayed by Ainscough were displayed by him during those 3 years. Who has been the head coach of Wigan RLFC in those 3 years? Exactly Mr Duty Of Care. Why in 3 years did he not eradicate such faults? Why in those 3 years did he leave the boy to rot in the Academy which is even less taxing than the Reserves? Why was he not sent out on loan for a season? The only reason Ainscough even got in the reserves was after he played so well for England v Aus that Noble and co had no choice but to move him up. Where is Mr Duty Of Care in all this. What was the Duty of Care in stringing Priest along in the reserves and then dumping him. Will the same happen to JWalker?
Why did Mr Duty of Care not have season long loans arranged pre season for players? I think you have as good an idea as I do what Mr Noble was up to pre RLWC and during/after.
I will wager you this Rogues. Had Hansen been fit Joel Tomkins would not have played today. Have you not woken up to how the lad has been treated recently by Mr Noble? At the back half of last season Joel Tomkins was one of several players who got Mr Duty Of Care out of the mire.
This season Ainscough and Tomkins have both saved Mr Durty of Care's job and how does he repay them. exactly. Two boys playing out of position because as you known Ainscough is a right winger and Sam is a left sided half.
Loyalty, Meaningful is worth far more that rhetoric duty of care garbage spouted by a guy who thinks he's on a chef programme.