Quote XBrettKennyX="XBrettKennyX"Elucidate.
It's easy to "rolleyes". It's far more difficult to actually contribute a thread that is worthy of consideration.
I look at the facts.
The fact is that Nobby saved us from relegation.
The fact is that Nobby coached us to 3rd twice on the trot.
The fact is that he did this with a squad that wasn't his e.g. Calderwood and Higham.
Now I disagree with many of his decisions, but I cannot argue with the results, and am genuinely bemused by people who do.'"
I got some major stick last year for doubting Noble and expressing that opinion, but it still boils down to one simple fact for me. I look at performance not results, i can stand losing if we play well, but under Noble we very rarely have, in fact as the squad has become more "his" the worse the performances have been.
The playoff run papered over some massive cracks, i do not think he should have had his contract renewed and i think he played the club like a fiddle when he did, with the leaked stories of him being interested in the Les Cats position.
He took over a team that the previous coach had lost the dressing room, and were totally underacieving, arguably his best spell as Wigan coach regards both performance and results was in that spell after he took over. Have we reached the consistency since that point, has the points for and against improved or deteriorated?
I personally am not convinced he is the man to take us to the next level, i feel he is very limited but has done a job stabilising the club, for me he has taken us as far as he can, and done his job.
I do feel he has earned a chance to prove me wrong in 09 and hope he does.
For those who back his record and use it as an example of his greatness, i would counter he took over a team at Bradford that were dominant and had the systems in place to ensure success. He left the club in a worse state than he did when he arrived there. With GB i think he walked away from the job with the team in a worse state than he took over. That to me is the measure of a coach.
With Wigan he took over with us at a very low ebb, but he has brought stability to the club, so for me it is job done. I said at the time we employed him he was not the man to take us to the top level and i still doubt he can, but he has done the job he was hired to do, and i would actually say had his contract not been renewed for this year his time would have been remembered as a success. I feel this season and taking the contract extension is a major career risk for him and a true test of his ability.