[url=http://www1.skysports.com/rugby-union/news/12321/9126734/aviva-premiership-clubs-will-have-extra-500000-to-spend-on-player-wagesRU Clubs will have extra £500,000 to spend on player wages[/url
Quote We're trying to gradually build the cap in accordance with increasing revenues.They will still have the provision of the excluded player, allowing them to nominate one marquee star whose wages fall entirely outside the salary cap.'"
Quote We're trying to gradually build the cap in accordance with increasing revenues."We're trying to gradually build the cap in accordance with increasing revenues.""We've been working on and growing these revenues for a number of years, and as those increase it's only right that the salary cap increases."'"
So up to 5M + 1 marquee player outside the cap ..
The above is where is won't work in SL.
outside of individual corp. sponsorship deals & central dist monies from Twickenham, they got a 38M a yr deal (3M per club )from the new BT deal.
Quote We're trying to gradually build the cap in accordance with increasing revenues.The £152m contract is a 50% improvement on their last deal with ESPN and Sky'"
the current SKY deal with the SL was 90M over 5 yrs split between 14 clubs ( Approx 1M ) , Even with the cake cut 12 ways in 2015 more of the SKY money is being spread out to the Championship to try to make this new structure viable .
the First Utility deal is reported to be 750K per year
RU's Aviva deal:- [url=http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2010/jul/07/premiership-rugby-sponsorship-avivaPremiership Rugby agrees £20m sponsorship deal with Aviva[/url worth > 400 K per club per year.
We all know the Dr wants to spend more ( and can afford it ) . but until the sport can start to attract TV deals & headline sponsorships approaching those of RU I cannot see the Cap being loosened.