Quote mystic eddie="mystic eddie"And who the hell are you to come out with stuff like this? TBH Adey, whilst you try to be condesending to everyone and try to outsmart them with clever words and phrases, you, like me, are just another message board nobody that no-one cares about.'"
So you acknowledge you lost the argument? I'm just taking you on at your own game sunshine, and by the looks of things landed a few telling blows. Its not my fault if you don't like getting a taste of your own approach thrown back at you. I doubt you'd like to hear what various people I talk to at the ground think of [iyour[/i attitude. Not your opinions, note; your attitude.
As for message board nobodies that no-one cares about - the big difference is that I don't actually [iwant [/i (or need) to be a "message board somebody". I'd hardly have kept clear of this (and any other) board for nearly a year otherwise, would I? I came back, for now anyway, because I was asked - by several people.
Quote mystic eddie="mystic eddie"Adey is in the long line of people on here who have a problem with my opinion because I am not at the games, I was merely asking him if the same applies to af, given that people do not have a go at him for not going to games yet making opinions?
It is blatantly two faced but, then again, because you and Adey agree with him, you won't pass comment on it.
How hypocritical you two are.'"
Really? In fact, I brought the fact that you don't go to the games to demonstrate that you cannot be as informed as someone who does.
It would normally be nobody's business whether you went to games or not; you don't have to go to games (any or every) to be a [isupporter[/i and to hold whatever opinion you want, and to express that opinion - within reason. However, when "supporter" has morphed into what you have become - with your incessant negative barrage against pretty well everything to do with the club, its coaching staff and most of its players - while still calling yourself a supporter - then people would at least expect you to be as well informed as you could be?
And I'm not sure how most observers would believe a keyboard warrior from afar can be sufficiently-well informed to be able to express such seemingly immovable and entrenched opinions with sufficient credibility.
af is in a similar situation, as you keep pointing out now you are getting upset at perceived difference in treatment (although I think you'll find he is nevertheless better informed than you are, but that's not central to the issue). The difference is in the way that af expresses his opinions, and how (unless driven to it by extreme frustration) he does not try to ram them down everyone's throats at every available opportunity.
There comes a point where constructive criticism, and even criticism borne out of frustration (and God knows we can all relate to that, and may well feel more of the same by the end of the weekend!) crosses a line and becomes an obsession; when it becomes an end in itself. That is where it seems to me that you are at now
And that is why I urge you to think about why you started posting on here - it was because you were a [isupporter[/i, right? Its very unhealthy if all the supporters toe the club line; but if you are going to constantly criticise everything without ever allowing that there may be reasons for why things are as they are, then that's surely equally unhealthy?
I apologise to the board in general for all this argument. I have said my piece now and you won't get this again - life's too bloody short. I've tried over recent months to deal with this through the PM system, but without success.
Quote mystic eddie="mumbyisgod"anybody heard anything else about Sam's injury ?'"
Exactly! THIS is surely what we should be talking about, rather than fighting amongst ourselves? Anyway, this from the T&A:
"In-form Burgess limped off against Huddersfield to give fans more reason for concern but he soon returned to the fray and will be fine for the crucial trip."
Hopefully this will be the case, and good news therefore!