Quote Longun="Longun"Would Leeds or Saints opt to kick for goal with 3 penalties?
No, especially not at home!!!
It's negative, boring and shows the opposition far too much respect, rather than being positive and intimidating by nearly always running penalties and going for the try.
The game has moved on. Leeds & Saints have raised the bar, and Bradford, Wigan, Warrington are too slow to change.
The 'Bradford' connection really shows, and if I were a fan, I'd be worried my team have been left behind.
Bradford need a new coach, and new direction on the field to have any chance of challenging for trophies again.'"
Not sure I agree fully about showing "too much respect", looking at the final score I`d say the respect was warranted. Bulls` fans might actually wonder why, later in the game, they ran two equally kickable penalties instead of taking the two.
I do think though, given the fragmented start to the season (thanks RFL) they possibly should have taken the opportunity to get some much lacking fluency and rhythm into their play. It`s very much a two edged sword; what`s best for the actual game you`re playing and looking forward to the improvements needed for next matches.
We do get this "the game has moved on" and "the bar has been raised" (very Eddie and Stevo!) every season, but it`s no more than empty rhetoric, meaningless time filling garbage, trotted out like a tired old mantra by our men at Sky on a season by season basis. "This years grand final will be the best ever" anyone? I don`t blame them for talking the game up, to be honest. To be quite fair, in a way, I applaud their efforts because it`s rare in the media to hear anything positive about RL, but I do take it all with a large pinch of salt.
As a Bradford fan I should be worried about being left behind? Oh do come on. Due to circumstances beyond the club`s control we`ve played just two games over the opening month of the season and looked decidedly disjointed; hardly surprising really when both teams we`ve played have been a week or so in front in terms of match fitness.
In any case whether we support Bulls Saints Leeds or whoever we have no god given right to be top of the league. The competition is getting harder and there are no `easy` games anymore; that`s one bit of the rhetoric that is true.