Trebor1: christopher: batleyrhino: Which 2 Chris? I can’t see us winning next week after Saints got turned over by HKR, and I don’t see us winning at home to Wigan if they play even 60% of their Vegas performance. Warrington I could see, perhaps.
I think we’ll beat Saints and Warrington
Hope you’re right mate but I just can’t see it. Saints if it was at home.. maybe.. no chance v Wigan, Warrington will need to have a big off day on their own patch
Home advantage hasn’t been a thing for us for a few years , We’ve got a terrible home record.
Last year at this point we’d won 3 out of 4 and scored some amazing trys.
3 out of those 4 were top six sides.
We have only played one top six side this year.
We don’t look like scoring at all against a decent defence at the moment.