Quote leeds owl="leeds owl"You are as shallow as Aiton, and presumptious. I have had 2 jobs in my life, and turned down greater finances over the course of my working career on numerous occasions. When I was employed by a large corporation I had a great job in an idyllic environment. I was offered a substantial increase to move on 2 occasions, I turned them both down because the environment and colleagues I had meant more to me than the money offered to move to an inferior area with potentially less desirable colleagues. I have been self employed for 16 years and still have a core of original customers from 1999. I could have ditched them for more lucrative contracts, but I trust them,am happy with them, and my loyalty has been more than reciprocated even when I went through a period of ill health. Not everyone is like you and Aiton, I don't need a bigger telly or bigger car, I don't stress about chasing the next big contract. I can't wait to be sat outside a coffee shop in Leeds when the Catalans team bus goes past on it's way to Batley. Aiton sat there, not on a booster cushion, but on his big fat wallet, on his way to Mount Pleasant.'"
What is arrogant about your attitude is you are talking like Leeds is that idyllic environment, and Catalans not and that the only possible reason Aiton would choose Catalans over Leeds is because of money.