Quote Tony Fax="Tony Fax"You could say that in recent years I have been "undercover" ... not because I was ashamed to be draped in our famous colours, but fed up of all and sundry asking me what the score was in the pub / on the bus, etc etc. ("Why the 'ell didn't you go if you're so bluddy interested?"icon_wink.gif. So I'm afraid to say, Orange Top, that the only Blue & White I possess is with the name "BLUE SOX" emblazened on the back and on the badge, and for obvious reasons I don't want to be associated with such vile memories. I will just have to shout twice as loud to compensate eh?'"
You must have something blue and white or failing that don`t they still have some of last years shirts at the club for a fiver? Got to be the best bargain ever.