Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"Without trades unions most firms would be paying subsistence wages for working in horrendous conditions. Improvements to pay and conditions that have benefited the workforce have rarely,if ever, been instigated by employers. Collective bargaining also suits many large employers because of its simplicity. I know you will argue that all of that is in the past and there is now no need for unions but I would counter that with asking you to look at what this government wants to do to the national labour force.
Cameron is busily stamping his feet for reform of the EU and repatriation of powers back to the UK. Most of what he wants to exercise greater control over is labour law, basically he wants to reduce or remove the safeguards that have been achieved over years of struggle. Thatcher's Right to Buy and the big bang had nothing to do with empowering the individual, it was all about creating a workforce of compliant wage-slaves. By shifting the emphasis from savings to ever-increasing personal debt, she achieved this without most people noticing.
I'm not surprised that you've never been a member of a trade union but while you've been enjoying a pay freeze (a cut effectively), has the same happened to the executives of your orgnisation or their shareholders? If I was ever in a situation where non-union labour decided to cross a picket line, there's little I could do about it, apart from ignore them, on a personal level, afterwards.'"
Savings are great provided inflation is controlled - perhaps if labour had controlled inflation people may have looked at savings in a different light. You seem incapable of seeing any fault outside of Thatcher - labour's management of the economy was woeful as was its ability to manage the unions.
Take your example of a house deposit - you are saving up for a deposit but every year the true value of your pot is being reduced by the difference in the inflation rate and the interest rate. With high inflation you cannot save enough as the object you are saving for is costing 10-20% more each year.
The idea of wage slaves is yet another one of your barmy ideas - the need to work was no different under Thatcher as it was under Callaghan.
Your idea of personal debt comes back to the first point - with high inflation nobody is interested in saving - it is futile. You might as well borrow the money enjoy the item you bought.
Once again you didn't read my earlier posts - yes the firm has offered a pay rise but it does have a bonus scheme in place which rewards everyone if the firm does well - it pays out.
The idea of salary increases as an annual norm is crazy - why should a firm pay out more for nothing in return? Supply and demand will dictate what rate they have to pay - if they are under the market people will leave and they will not be able to recruit at the right level. They will have to pay more and then everyone's numbers will have to go up.
Take the industry I am in - print - we are not the only channel marketing can use to promote their products. We are up against TV, Radio, Electronic, Newspapers, BOGOF etc. So the print element of a campaign is say 100k for 1m items. I give all my staff a 5% salary increase with no productivity increases and material costs remain the same what happens to the cost of the product? So the client has three choices they stick with 1m and it costs more, they spend 100k and get less product or they look at other channels to spend their 100k where the ROI may be better - this is the reality we face 20-50 times a day. Add to that over-capacity and you have an industry that is in crisis - paying higher wages for nothing is unrealistic.
I don't care how much the CEO earns - in fact I only care about what I earn and whether that is sufficient to support my family. If it great if not - and that has been the case in the past - I have worked a second job until I could find the right job.
As for shareholders - without them you have no firm - so it is important that they get suitable recompensed for the level of risk they are taking? We also have share save schemes that anyone can participate - so it is to the benefit of all participants if share price and dividends increase.
The fact you would ignore someone simply because they disagreed with you and exerted their democratic right work says more about you as a person than anything you choose to post on here - a very sad and bitter individual.