Quote toast="toast"Bi polar is not an illness, it's an excuse for people feeling sorry for themselves. Same as under active thyroid gland for fat people, that's just an over active jawbone for fatties who eat too much.'"
An underactive thyroid gland is objectively diagnosed, though. TSH (a hormone) stimulates the thyroid into making thyroxine. If the level of thyroxine in the blood is low, then the pituitary releases more TSH to try to stimulate the thyroid gland to make more thyroxine. So, if blood tests show a raised level of TSH, this proves, medically, beyond doubt, that the thyroid gland is underactive and is not making enough thyroxine.
Blood tests can also directly measure the level of T4 thyroxine, and again, a low level of T4 confirms an underactive thyroid ("hypothyroidism"icon_wink.gif.
These hormones are extremely important for the regulation of the body's metabolism, and hence the very direct (and bleedin obvious) link to weight gain (or loss).
Hyperthyroidism is the opposite. Again, the same blood tests confirm the diagnosis, objectively.
Treatments aim to change the thyroxine level to normal. The level isn't a matter of opinion, but measurable fact.
Someone else has already shown you up re bi-polar so I won't add to your shame.
Quote toast="toast"Cut out all this pc bull and say things as they really are.'"
I just did, but OK, here goes. Far from being a "myth", these are extremely well-known disorders, one autoimmune , one psychiatric, and only an utter plank, or a troll, would make such an idiotic post. Of course, you have no personal experience of someone who is bi-polar, whereas many on here have. You ought to try to learn a little humility and accept that actually, you know feck all about these subjects, which wouldn't be so bad, if you weren't also being such a rude and aggressive toilet on top of your ignorance, but sadly you are.