Quote Ajw71="Ajw71"Oh what a shocker. He said 'Goodbye' and then re-appears a few hours later when he can't handle not having the final word.
Denying someone's right to be 'bigoted', even in their own heads? Dear me....'"
You are so stupid it isn't fair.
I wrote "Goodbye, bigot" never expecting you would agree you were one.
The point of it was for you to blurt back some defence as to how or why you are not a bigot, and then I planned to explain you MUST be a bigot according to YOUR definition, since you are intolerant of numerous things.
However, a certain level of wit and slow thought, probably Neanderthal or thereabouts, was required on your part for it to work.
I overestimated you.
Turning briefly to your puerile ramblings, I did not deny someone's right to be bigoted, I said I did not support someone being bigoted. Feel free to be as bigoted as you like in that head of yours. Why would someone who is opposed to bigotry SUPPORT you being bigoted, though? I would not support it one bit. Indeed, I would find it extremely unfortunate and regrettable. Is this too hard for you? Maybe you could get your dictionary out again, it could I suppose help.
Also I do not see that "having the final word" comes into it. Certainly not from my side. I will post for as long as I feel interested enough, thus exercising my right of free speech. If you don't say something else idiotic, or as another option which may be easier for you, if you post something too stupid to bother with, in either of those cases you are very welcome to "the last word", if that is what makes you happy.