Quote Chris28="Chris28"icon_biggrin.gifOH:
You do realise that "bad" news is, for want of a better term, sexy, for newspapers and the media to report?
You also realise that social workers (in fact all humans except newspaper editors and the eternally outraged, it seems) are not all seeing or omnipresent? poop happens. Its never good when it does and most social workers will be absolutely devastated when it does.
I would love to see a table of successful outcomes against unsuccessful ones mind you (don't worry I'm not going to ask you for one). But that isn't sexy enough for the media.'"
Come on now. What we secretly want to hear about is not the successful rescue from a tree of Mrs McGintty's pussy, but the tragic ending of when the fire brigade reversed out and straight over the animal!
Anyhows, spotted this [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/12/03/joseph-small-masturbated-fire-extinguisher-bottom-premier-inn_n_4377180.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopularlittle gem[/url and wondered if our Yorkshire contingent would care to comment....