Quote Mintball="Mintball"Some Olympic events were held outside London and the south east. Fact.'"
Other than football etc which used existing stadia which ones utilised newly built facilities etc outside of London and the SE which can now be part of the sporting infrastructure for other regions.
What went to Cornwall or the NE or Yorks and Lancs the west midlands etc.
PS i regard the Lee valley as London and the SE
My point is that London is the capital city therefore everything needs to be in London a self fulfilling prophecy.
It is the centre of finance therefore buisnessman want to be there
It is the centre of Culture therefore the Arty people want to be there.
It is the national centre for sports therefore the sporting establishment want to be there.
All these important people want to be there so it needs good transport links.
Therefore we should build all the big airports there.
Because it has the best international transport links we should route all provincial traffic through there. ( dont get me started on HS2).
Because it is the "centre" of the country therefore we should build more there.
The more you build there the bigger it becomes and the more everything new needs to be there.
It is realy nice that occasionally the museums throw a few bits out to the regions like the IWM in Manchester or the Armouries in Leeds but they are so small that they are just the few scraps that are thrown out.
Nothing will change without a fundamental change in the relationship between the centre and the provinces.
In my view it is no different to the centre shafting the regions as it always has done. From William the conqueror laying waste to the north, Henry 8th persecuting the Northern Lords, Peterloo, Thatcher and heavy industry, and now the coalition.
Other countries seem to be able to address some of these issues.
The capital City of Germany is not the same as the administrative centre or the financial centre, The capital city of Australia is not the biggest city, Italy's capital is not the centre of finance or fashion etc.