Quote wire-quin="wire-quin"The minimum wage protects the vulnerable, encourages people to work, sets a social liveable level.
Capping the Maximum wage is jealousy. The best business leaders create jobs, maintain stable businesses..... Just leave high earners alone. Lets not chase them out of the country.'"
Perhaps if some of the highest earners had some social responsibility and didn't just look after number 1, there wouldn't be an issue.
For example, some of the highest businessmen and sportsmen/ celebrities plus, successful business paying a fair amount of tax, there wouldn't be a problem.
Without aspiration, the capitalist model just doesn't work.
Equally, those of us living in a "free" society, wouldn't want to swap that for the communist model of North Korea.
Maybe it's time to do battle with some of the worlds tax havens.
The minimum wage is actually a way of subsidising big business.
If they paid their workers a higher minimum wage, there would be no need for the government to chip in with tax credits and if you boil things down, there is something quite obscene about any person at the top getting £1000's per hour and paying their workers £7.
The person on £7 is probably working hardrer each day that the people in the board room, with a daily battle to put food on the table.
In a civilized society, can this differential be right ?