Quote little wayne69="little wayne69"Maybe it's not anger but frustration that certain posters on here have the solution to all the worlds problems.'"
Come on mate, the exam situation is about as bad as it could be.
I know that we're in difficult and unprecedented times and there are heaps of things that could be done differently / better.
However, this particular issue, once teachers assessments were deemed the best way forward, has been handled appallingly.
The knock on effects with University placements etc, wasn't too difficult to foresee and there should be some leadership and guidance coming from the Education Minister and if he's not up to it, he should have been replaced quickly.
There was a good article in the Times a few days ago, suggesting that Johnson, so keen to surround himself with "yes men", is losing the ability to adapt to the various situations that are currently arising, as nobody is willing or brave enough to put their head above the parapet and question anything.
Loyalty is a fantastic asset for any leader to have but, the need for some strong characters within the ruling party has never been more important.
Johnson is a "good time Charlie", very good at the back slapping and cheering from the sidelines but, he's supposed to be a Leader, not just a Cheerleader.
What is quite odd is that even when something is being handled so badly, some people cant or wont speak up.
If you want the solution to this one.
When it was decided that grades were to be decided by teachers etc, it should have been with the caveat, that those assessments would themselves be "spot checked", which would have ensured more "honest" grading.
As things are, many schools have gone for "best case" grades, which has lead to arbitrary down grading.
In some cases this will be right but, there will be some huge losers in this and at a time that may change someone's future irrevocably .
This isn't .political comment, it's just common bloody sense.
Our "friend" will still come back with his leftie /commie jibes and who knows, you may agree with him but, this is an open forum for debating current issues or, at least it used to be.