Quote El Barbudo="El Barbudo"Ah, right, so the fact that a power is seldom used is a reason for its perpetuation '"
Do you think so? really? I would disagree.
Quote El Barbudo="El Barbudo"Besides, the fact that Charles is regularly sticking his oar in ... and affecting statute in the process ... is utterly undemocratic. '"
No, he is sticking his oar in as he owns the independent country that is the Duchy of Cornwall.
Quote El Barbudo="El Barbudo"We are constantly fed the lies that the monarchy is largely ceremonial when, in actuality, it serves to maintain the establishment via the Order of the garter, the House of Lords, the honours system and the distribution of awards of grace and favour. '"
Who constantly feeds you these lies then? I don't remember a single person ever feeding me this lie during my life to date. Maybe I meet the wrong people. Don't you find it an irritant when people are constantly telling you "the monarchy is largely ceremonial"? It would pisz me off, I can tell you. It's an odd thing, though. Why are they picking on you like that?
The monarchy is far from ceremonial. We have a monarch. At the moment, a Queen. This is factual.
The establishment is the establishment but I doubt whether in any major sense it needs the monarch. Those people who form the establishment are not, in the overwhelming majority, royals.
The honours system is of course pretty much entirely the province of politicians. It is hardly realistic to lay any criticism of it at the feet of the monarch, who simply hands out the gongs.
The House of Lords is, like the monarchy, a fundamental part of the constitutional setup of this country. The monarchy does nothing, at all, to serve to maintain it. Unless Parliament votes to abolish the HoL then it will remain.
Quote El Barbudo="El Barbudo"Nothing knee- jerk about it, the self-interested forelock-tuggers stand between the populace and decent democracy.'"
You have got to be joking. What stands between the populace and decent democracy is a lot of things, but (for just one example) international conglomerates including the banks are a million times more relevant to that point than the monarchy. Unless you think the queen runs all of them. I think the implication that if you abolished the monarchy this would restore decent democracy to the populace is breathtakingly naive. It would have no such effect at all.