snowie wrote:No what I posted is you get away with comment that I get pulled over the coals for and was aimed at PT, as per usual you stick your nose into what wasn't for you
personally I don't give a toss either way why you think you just have a go at just about every poster who disagrees to what you think
You are a first class A hole if you don't like what post put me on ignore it not shut the frig up
You make me laugh you really do. Your one of those who think they have a god given right to spout any old crap they want, especially when they are in a mood.
Someone like me challenges them and they can’t bear it. Suddenly they get nasty like you always do. Your just a big man baby who can give it but can’t take it.
Truth is there are very few people on here I’ve ever seriously argued with despite your silly attempts to claim otherwise.
Most people either like what I post or totally ignore it because they don’t like what I post. There is a choice. This is a forum, the whole idea is that people can post anonymously view that they can’t do normally within the rules of the board obviously.
If it’s any consultation I don’t mind you, mainly because I don’t know you as indeed you don’t know me so why make it personal? most of what you post is sound enough. It’s only when your obvious bitterness about something, no idea what it is, seeps in. Then you are a monumental pain on here.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll get back to my breakfast.