Quote mwindass="mwindass"One this AP said when BH got the job is that he is well connected. We'll see what he can do.
This season isn't over anyway, anything can happen. The loss is disappointing but not the end if the world.
It's taken Tony Smith 2/3 seasons to build at Rovers, same at Wire. It took Powell 3/4 seasons at at Cas. Radders took a similar period here too.
We're at the start of the BH journey. Let's see what happens.'"
Which is true but unfortunately the financial situation at the club isn't great, as we know TV money is down, debts due to Covid have grown, the stadium situation is worrying we are more likely to see a budget cut and the club run below salary cap then we are another round of big spending. Pearson has spent big 3 times (2013, 2016 and 2020) and he's had his fingers burnt twice and may be wary of doing it again.
A big winter ahead. 'Wait til next year' absolutely needs to go on the club badge.