Quote Rugby Raider="Rugby Raider"I wasn’t trolling.
Your post suggested Rovers were financially doing well from various other activities when they can operate outside Covid restrictions. Personally i think that’s great and any rugby league club would welcome other revenue streams. Obviously at Hull, due the the SMC agreement, our hands are tied on many of those options.
With regards Hudgell and the Allam’s, I was just providing balance to your post. Although Rovers may have some additional income streams, it doesn’t address what you owner has publically said about Rovers finances.
It’s like celebrating finding a tenner when you’ve just lost £50.'"
I did not suggest that we were doing well financially as a club. I said we were able to benefit from the extraneous income streams that you mentioned in your origin post when you said other than Saints and Leeds clubs could not. Looking at other posts you do not even appear to be correct about Leeds’ situation.
No one is celebrating. Once again, your point of view is challenged, hey presto let’s introduce yet another topic.