Quote BumpyMcbump="BumpyMcbump"Do explain how its clear when the numbers have gone up after a large proportion of population been jabbed and are far in excess of last year with no-one in the population inhecyed with this crud. Crud that can't ossibly protect anyone from anything. Oh wait, you beleive all the manipulated data from the governemnt despite their continued lie upon lie, criminality and more manipulation of the truth.
Are you really so naive?
Explain how getting this injjected into players(or anyone) helps stop covid positives and allows the game to move forward, please explain how confirmation tests using PCR work to prove infection (that's going to be interesting). Please explain how if you conrtinue testing people who are not unwell but test positive using a flawed set of tests that can't detect infection actually proves anything and how that helps the game move forward to normality/fixture fullfillment and indeed keeps fans in the stadium and money that keeps the sport agloat.'"
It's pretty simple.
The huge number of vaccinations has resulted in enormous reductions in hospitalisations and deaths and very few adverse reactions despite ludicrous conspiracy theories, and we also know that it helps to stop the spread. We all have a responsibility to protect each other and the best way to do this is to get the freely available vaccine and continue to maintain sensible social distancing whilst cases are rising again. Our sport is being crippled by the prevalence of the virus, so beyond the self evident fact it's just the right thing to do as responsible citizens to get vaccinated it will help the sport too. Don't post drunk.