Quote Zoo Zoo Boom="Zoo Zoo Boom"Are you completely stupid - if 43% of 18-24 voted Labour over Tory but only 23% did the same as they aged doesn't that say something to you about as voters get past the young and idealistic stage they move away from Labour?
The Democrats wont win next time - the US has never gone for real left policies and Biden is really left leaning. Donald would have walked the last election had it not been for Covid'"
It appears you have flown off the handle after misunderstanding the figures.
So apologies if they are too complex for you to understand.
I'll try again.
Most younger people in 1979 voted Conservative. Those same people, now older, still vote Conservative. There wasn't some great magical flip as they aged.
In contrast younger people in 2019 voted overwhelmingly Labour. What will they do for the next 40 years is the question.
As for the US, the Republican party has significant structural advantages but let's remember they have got the most votes only once in a presidential election in the past three decades. They are now definitively the party of the minority in that country, propped up only by the electoral college and the quirks of the Senate.
When Texas flips Blue in about a decade, they will be sunk for a generation.