Quote Zoo Zoo Boom="Zoo Zoo Boom"Let's have some context here of £37bn 80% of the costs relate to taking and processing of the actual tests - one day this week they did 1.5m tests a number unimaginable 12 months ago when testing capacity was 2,000/day.
So that leaves 7bn in development costs - is that such a huge number to develop the systems to manage volumes on such a huge scale - I don't know - how much has it cost to develop similar systems in say Germany. Maybe it is but its not the 37bn everyone is quoting.
Perhaps it is because the money has had to be spent on these rush projects that there isn't the money to increase wages all over the public sector. In reality what % of the NHS has actually increased its workload - I would suggest the vast majority have seen a significant decrease in their activity'"
This government has consistently shown its incompetence, its ability to lie and its ability to direct tax payers money towards its donors and friends. Consequently, its hardly surprising that people are questioning why test and trace has cost so much and where the money's gone. No doubt there will be a public enquiry once all the dust has settled - and once Johnson ( the ex PM) is touring America on a lucrative book and lecture tour.