Quote 48756c6c20 524c4643="48756c6c20 524c4643"Er, I merely pointed out that we were having a reasonable discussion on who might fit best where and RocknRolla accused me of nit picking but then did exactly that and went all in saying Shaul was garbage.
I knocked no-one, it's inflammatory comments from people not wanting to have a decent discussion that make this forum such a crap place to chat about rugby and the clubs goings on.
If you don't want to enter into discussing rugby like an adult and merely to slag posters off/make snide comment, why don't you just toodle off elsewhere?'"
I’m sorry but you made yourself very unpopular in your prior guise and your argumentative style of reposts don’t help. You recently said of me, “ you add nothing to the forum and your posts are meaningless”
Calm down, I appreciate you are an FC fan and your cycle holiday around France and Belgium in 2017 has to be lauded with Jack Harrison memorial in mind. Just try not to bite when other posters are niggling you.