Quote Fishermanscap="Fishermanscap"Over the last few month Trinity have pretty much been mirroring you lot in terms of performances. We had all the same gripes as you. Yet on Sunday that all changed, permanently with any luck.
Chester didn’t alter his team selection and I doubt he altered his game plan, it’s not his style. Yet we looked a different team against HKR.
My point is that it’s not all down to your Coach, players need to motivate themselves to a large degree. Wolford is probably doing everything right, it’s your players mentality that’s probably wrong. For reasons unknown the balance is wrong, yes the coach has a part to play but so do the players, more so imho.
They need to realise they will be out of a job if they don’t rally soon. For obvious and selfish reasons I hope they don’t but I fear there is still time. What I do know is that it’s all down to the players now.'"
not forgetting about 600k of cap sat in the stands