Quote wantawin="wantawin"How can you state running the club into the ground when were promoted to Super League last season. Do you want to follow the Leigh and Widnes financial model spend big to stay in Super League get relegated and then go bust.'"
I would say we got promoted last season in spite of Hughes, not because of. The squad and Ward pulled it out of the bag. I say running into the ground as when i started watching the Broncos (Harlequins, being a Quins fan), we played in a purpose built rugby ground, we had a decent crowd. We now play in a "pimped up" park in front of about 800 odd (I dont count away fans, I am talking about LB fans). We make little to no effort to let people know we exist. We are slowly dying.
The marketing (lack of) is a shambles. I get random emails every now and then (not very often). The club puts the odd bit on Twitter. The problem is people do not know the club exist so are not following us on twitter, they dont see what the club puts up because they do not know the club exist!!!. The people following us already know about the club, you are preaching to the converted!!
People can say that Hughes is keeping the club afloat, yes he is, but if it was not for him we would not be on the Hughes life support. I applaud him for the money he has spent but lets not make him out as the saviour of RL in London.
Not once have I said "spend big". I said spend SENSIBLE. Leigh are the last club we should be copying. If Hughes was to spend sensible on and off the field we could well see a London club flourish, we have the youth coming through.