Strinket wrote:Again, because this line gets trotted out repeatedly by the Leavers. Two thirds of Labour voters backed Remain. Almost three quarters of the membership.
Where you get the notion otherwise, I really don’t know.
Is that Labour members or Labour voters and if so, why did so many Labour constituencies vote "Leave", especially in the North of England and is this just more fake news
70% of Labour Constituencies voted to Leave the EU!
David Mallon delegate from Blyth valley CLP.
David Mallon talked passionately at the Labour Party conference imploring the Labour Party not accept the People’s Vote.
David told the conference in no uncertain terms what supporting a people’s vote would mean to the people of his constituency. David’s constituency of Blyth valley was just one of the 70% of Labour constituencies that voted to leave the EU.
David invited the conference to “come to Blyth valley the area of Blyth valley the rundown abandoned constituency telling in a clear message for too long these people have felt marginalised.”