sally cinnamon wrote:It sums up our obsession with wanting to label someone a paedo when people throw the accusation that he "took pictures of children vandalising his flowers".
Well it completely depends on the context of taking the pictures. If they were 15 year olds damaging his stuff and he was spotted taking pics of them clearly doing that then it is ludicrous to jump to the conclusion that he was doing it for his gratification. But if there was just a couple of 8 year old's talking and playing 10 feet away from his flowers and he was hiding behind curtain taking pics of them then it's a completely different situation.
Quote:Were these kids naked or something? If they weren't then I can't imagine pictures of a bunch of kids fully clothed are going to be hot property amongst the kiddie porn community.
You don't need to be in a child porn community to get your kicks from kids.
Quote:I remember we had a bit of hysteria like this a few years ago on this forum when there was an incident at Salford where a guy had his camcorder and was filming the under 11s match before the Super League game kicked off, people on the forum were saying this was disgusting and how scary that sort of person could be around in the family game. I remember having this argument then and being told by someone that I wouldn't understand as I'm not a parent. If I remember rightly this guy just got a 'caution' for it because he hadn't requested permission from the club.
Again, context is important. If it was a parent filming his kid on his kids big day playing in a SL stadium that's one thing. But if the guy had no ties whatsoever to any players and was just filming for "the rugby" then I would be suspicious.
Quote:There are vids all over youtube of kids playing sports like "6 year old Dutch kid with skills like Maradona", does this count as indecent porn....?
Clearly not. But if some guy was taking a video of an unrelated 6 year old whose skills were more Carlton Palmer than Maradona then one would ask why he was choosing to taking videos of him.
Quote:In fact if you go round my grandads he's got some old cine film of my mum and uncles on Bournemouth beach in the 1960s running around in various states of undress. Should I be reporting him?
No, because he's your ****ing grandad. But if your grandad was asking your best friend over for special filming sessions then yeah, you probably should. Your grandad would want film of you because you're his grandson, but what reason would he have for taking film of your friend?