Quote DaveO="DaveO"And what do your base your opinion on? ?'"
I have based my opinions on articles in the media, notably The Times and The Telegraph. Along with the experience I have accumulated throughout the last x number of years, most particularly in 2 jobs that involved a lot of contact with people at the 'less fortunate' end of society.
Seemingly, for some, that is not good enough. It appears they want empirical research, or university level referencing to primary sources. Or perhaps they just don't like what I am saying because it doesn't square with their socio-political views. Probably the latter.
Anyway, I will bear this all in mind, next time someone links to The Guardian or Indy and quotes it as gospel.
I trust you will now be challenging all 'opinions' with the same rigor that you challenge mine. Could make for an interesting few weeks on The Sin Bin.