Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise":3vcgctg0We were going to build houses just at the point when banks stopped lending!! '"
Banks stopped lending stupid money for poor investments to people would couldn't afford it,
:3vcgctg0reasonably:3vcgctg0 priced housing is still selling and people are still able to get
:3vcgctg0sensible:3vcgctg0 mortgages.
The shortage of housing isn't not going to go away any time soon, building now while the industry needs a boost keeps workers off the dole and increases the available housing stock, a double win.
Quote Sal Paradise:3vcgctg0How was the deficit going to be reduced - even they had agreed that it had to come down. They would have had to raise monies somehow if not VAT then direct taxation.'"
How about not giving a tax cut to millionaires for a start, there are always two ways to balance a budget, get more in through slow steady growth that keeps people in work or the way Osbourne has handled it, seems like his way is failing.
Quote Sal Paradise:3vcgctg0At least it appears that despite all the recessions unemployment continues to reduce.'"