Quote Mintball="Mintball"I would have thought that there was a place for a mix of approaches, depending on subject.
For instance, in art, there's room for course work [iand[/i an exam in history.
Or perhaps, going further, other subjects could/should be something like 50/50, on the grounds that some people can easily swot up for an exam, even if they've apparently done little work over the period of the course, while exam performance is also open to lots of external factors that can be detrimental, from having a period to family issues to all sorts of things.'"
1. That would be art history, not art. All study in art based subjects of existing artists/designers/illustrators is used for inspiration and reference, not just regurgitation of facts and inferences on history of art, like an art history exam would most likely entail.
2. in A levels? Are you kidding? General studies maybe.