Quote bren2k="bren2k"Which probably says more about you than it does about him, I'm sure you'd agree?
Its called human nature and we all do it, even when we deny that we do it - we all judge other people on first impressions, in fact its not human nature, its an animal instinct.
If you've ever worked in sales or an industry where you're making eyeball contact with your clients, when your job relies on you winning the trust of complete strangers then you soon come to understand that first impressions actually count for an awful lot and any little thing you do to add to or subtract from your first impression is going to affect your success, or otherwise.
Its the reason why (for instance) during the summer when short sleeved shirts are in order, you'll rarely see "full sleeve" tattoos on display from the sales staff in furniture showrooms, or prestige car salesrooms, if they've got them, they'll hide them - why ?