Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"By clearly and concisely explaining that the word ‘pleb’ is a massive red herring.
The facts not under dispute is that a senior minister, failed to follow an instruction from the police, and proceeded to swear at them. If Mr Mitchell wants to claim he was ‘stitched up’ with the police claiming he used disrespectful ‘toxic’ language then at some stage he needs to explain why he made it so damn easy by swearing at police, threatening them that it would be taking it further and not just doing what he was told like an normal member of the public.
The whole problem with the is that Mitchell had to resign because he was accused of acting as though he was better than the public and was disrespectful to the police, regardless of whether he said pleb or not, regardless of whether people were watching, regardless of anything else he is trying to argue now, he was, and doesn’t dispute, that he was acting in a manner that would like lead to the arrest of a member of the public and was disrespectful to the police.
The fact he is totally dismissing this, and now has the brassbollox to act as if he is the victim simply makes him appear exactly like the kind of person he is accusing the police of stitching him up to look like.'"
I note you use the word "fact(s)" as though you actually know them. You have chosen to believe one side due I assume to your political bias. You fail to acknowledge that your so called "facts" are in fact only allegations made by 2 police officers against a Government Minister. That Mitchell swore is not disputed but he has stated that it was not so much in the face of the officers but muttered "I thought you guys were supposed to f****** help us" as he wheeled his bike into Whitehall. In the current era it would be difficult to claim this was an insult against public decency when the same word can be heard on our TVs most nights.
I do not think you are correct either to claim that Mitchell "failed to follow instructions from the police" as the CCTV footage shows he did go through the pedestrian gate.
You also fail to see that his resignation was brought to a head by the "toxic" email from a "member of the public" that was stated to have witnessed the event. That this "toxic" email has now been proven to be a total lie and "in fact" sent by a police colleague of the two boys in blue at the gate.
The Channel 4 News report has totally devastated the police account as has the CCTV footage. When you add to this the "fact" that someone from the police sent a copy of the police log to the press, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to smell an 'elementary' rat.
The police have plenty of 'form' with regard to lies and falsifying reports and have a 'motive' due to cut backs to police budgets yet you would deny him the chance to state his innocence.
Heaven help us if the press are gagged.