Quote McLaren_Field="McLaren_Field"According to the reports last week he "reported" and "helped perpetuate" the rumours...
[urlhttp://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/09/12/sir-irvine-patnick-should-lose-knighthood-says-mp_n_1877459.html[/url '"
If all Patnick did was tell a news agency journalist that a couple of police officers told him they were victims of terrible behaviour from some Liverpool fans, and that was the extent of his involvement, do you think he should be stripped of his knighthood because of it?
Because I don't.
Those two stories don't make any suggestion as to what he did.
If he repeated allegations as fact then I've said his knighthood should be stripped. If he was constantly on the call to numerous journalists and news organisations making these claims and pushing this story then his knighthood should be stripped.
What did the Hillsborough Independent Panel actually say about Patnick's involvement? You see, if I was a journo, or a campaigner like Mintball, and I wanted him to be rightly stripped of his knighthood, I'd offer all the facts I had and let people see the wrongdoing he'd done.
The absence of these facts suggest to me that he's just a sacrificial lamb and the people want their blood.
If I'm wrong, post the evidence and prove me wrong. But don't offer those articles and offer them as proof.