Joined: Feb 17 2002 Posts: 28357 Location: MACS0647-JD
Standee wrote: But, as is the way on here, it's become Socialist Worker where the usual suspects just gang up when they don't like someones opinion.
As I am not involved in this discussion, a view from the sidelines:
The pitiful pleas of "people ganging up on me", etc. as a substitute for reasoned response, are pathetic. What has happened is that more than one person has disagreed with aspects of your post, in writing. It's a forum. If everybody on the forum did so, they are entitled. It would not be in any way "ganging up" and you just make yourself look both stupid and paranoid, as well as implying you cannot debate your points, by claiming it is.
The BB equivalent of taking your ball home.
Grow a pair and debate your points, if you can, or withdraw from the discussion, if you can't, but please, spare us this sort of self-pitying, delusional claptrap.
Last edited by Ferocious Aardvark on stardate Jun 26, 3013 11:27 am, edited 48,562,867,458,300,023 times in total
Ferocious Aardvark wrote:As I am not involved in this discussion, a view from the sidelines:
The pitiful pleas of "people ganging up on me", etc. as a substitute for reasoned response, are pathetic. What has happened is that more than one person has disagreed with aspects of your post, in writing. It's a forum. If everybody on the forum did so, they are entitled. It would not be in any way "ganging up" and you just make yourself look both stupid and paranoid, as well as implying you cannot debate your points, by claiming it is.
The BB equivalent of taking your ball home.
Grow a pair and debate your points, if you can, or withdraw from the discussion, if you can't, but please, spare us this sort of self-pitying, delusional claptrap.
you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. But on more than one occasion (in fact many hundreds) the political bias of Sin Bin has come to the fore on threads such as this, it's a bit like the anti Thatcher threads that are tolerated, but if I were to post "I wish xxx was dead" and said xxx was a Labour politician it would be seen as bad tatse.
The Sin Bin is biased towards socialism and the trade union movement, and you only need look at the list of admin/moderators to see why.
it's fine, it shows the general politics of the support for the game, it's just boring when it's the same old stagers trading insults and bullying tactics, so as you suggest, I'll withdraw from debate, arguing with agendas is fairly difficult anyway.
ROBINSON wrote:I didn't say we DON'T trade with them. I said Europe PREFERS us to only trade with other European countries.
Simply not true. Not only not true but way off the mark, I don't know where you got that idea from, the EU has been working to a united message for trade outside the EU for years now.
Freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice. Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.
Standee wrote:you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. But on more than one occasion (in fact many hundreds) the political bias of Sin Bin has come to the fore on threads such as this, it's a bit like the anti Thatcher threads that are tolerated, but if I were to post "I wish xxx was dead" and said xxx was a Labour politician it would be seen as bad tatse.
The Sin Bin is biased towards socialism and the trade union movement, and you only need look at the list of admin/moderators to see why.
it's fine, it shows the general politics of the support for the game, it's just boring when it's the same old stagers trading insults and bullying tactics, so as you suggest, I'll withdraw from debate, arguing with agendas is fairly difficult anyway.
have fun, play nicely
Bleat, bleat. What bullying? If you can't put an argument together without just making bald and sweeping unsubstantiated statements, the problem is yours, no-one else's.
Freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice. Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.
El Barbudo wrote:Simply not true. Not only not true but way off the mark, I don't know where you got that idea from, the EU has been working to a united message for trade outside the EU for years now.
Holy shiit, did you NOT read what I said before?
In addition to my post above I said that Europe wants EUROPE AS ONE ENTITY to trade with everyone else, as opposed to its member states trading individually outside of Europe.
And I still think it's a crap idea.
"I've not come 'alfway round t'world fot watch us lose. And I've come halfway round t'world, an' av watched um lose"
ROBINSON wrote:Holy shiit, did you NOT read what I said before?
In addition to my post above I said that Europe wants EUROPE AS ONE ENTITY to trade with everyone else, as opposed to its member states trading individually outside of Europe.
And I still think it's a crap idea.
And you still don't understand. EU does not want to trade as one entity, (see my previous mention of Germany) but to negotiate from a position of strength (i.e. together) so that individual states can trade within that agreement.
You may think it's a crap idea but there isn't any state within the EU that agrees with you, they all see the strength in numbers. Nothing is shipped from "Europe", it's all shipped from a member state.
Tariffs and restrictions have all been reduced because of EU membership, each state used to have its own and it was a right rats nest ... if you were China what rules would you rather trade under? Individual, confusing and conflicting tariffs or a set of harmonised tariffs and rules? Harmonised is actually bringing MORE trade.
Freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice. Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.
Joined: May 25 2002 Posts: 37704 Location: Zummerzet, where the zoider apples grow
Standee wrote:if you say so Mintball, what people CAN do is take out redundancy insurance etc. but they dont.
Of course they can, providing they can afford it and they could obtain cover in the first place. They could also take out health insurance too, again with the above caveats.
What then happens to a self-employed person who, through no fault of his own, contracts a debilitating, chronic illness. What should he do with his kids? Stuff 'em back up his wife?
The older I get, the better I was
Advice is what we seek when we already know the answer - but wish we didn't
I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full-frontal lobotomy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ kirkstaller wrote: "All DNA shows is that we have a common creator."
cod'ead wrote: "I have just snotted weissbier all over my keyboard & screen"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin." - Aneurin Bevan
Joined: Feb 17 2002 Posts: 28357 Location: MACS0647-JD
Standee wrote:you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. But on more than one occasion (in fact many hundreds) the political bias of Sin Bin has come to the fore on threads such as this, it's a bit like the anti Thatcher threads that are tolerated, but if I were to post "I wish xxx was dead" and said xxx was a Labour politician it would be seen as bad tatse.
The Sin Bin is biased towards socialism and the trade union movement, and you only need look at the list of admin/moderators to see why.
it's fine, it shows the general politics of the support for the game, it's just boring when it's the same old stagers trading insults and bullying tactics, so as you suggest, I'll withdraw from debate, arguing with agendas is fairly difficult anyway.
have fun, play nicely
The "political bias" of the Sin Bin is a figment of your imagination. The Sin Bin is not a person. Whatever the personal views of the mods, there is no "views" qualification for anyone to post on it.
But people in glass houses etc., and you are among the worse offenders. Just a couple of minutes' research worth of your own reasoned debate, with no insults, or bullying tactics, just reasoned posts, nothing even mildly personal or insulting or abusive (no examples aimed at me btw) :
Quote:oh dear, I see someone has been hit with the idiot stick a few too many times.
oh jeez you really are boring, I'd say get a life but you're clearly incapable
I suggest you keep your trap shut.
Wakefield fan in delusion of adequacy
you haven't twigged that I don't give a flying one what irrelevant little no-marks like you think.
when attempting to insult someone you really should be in a position of strength, not some nobody from a hick village in Yarkshire... prat
Wakey Fan, enough said.
bless, what time does your shift in the chippy start?
Elsewhere you said to another poster:
Quote:in your opinion, which is worth two fifths of sod all to me, but maybe worth a whole lot to someone else.
it's how opinions work, or maybe you're not capabale of having a difference of opinion without it becoming personal
It's a shame you don't practice what your preach.
Last edited by Ferocious Aardvark on stardate Jun 26, 3013 11:27 am, edited 48,562,867,458,300,023 times in total
Standee wrote:if you say so Mintball, what people CAN do is take out redundancy insurance etc. but they dont.
Out of reach of your average working wage, I checked it out when I was earning a substantial salary as a business proprietor and other than the fact that as the business owner I didn't qualify anyway, I would not have considered it then and certainly don't now when I am on a more modest stipend - along with Proprietor Health Cover it was over-priced and so laden with get-out clauses for the insurer that I viewed it as unworkable.
As an insurance policy its as reliable as the credit card protection policies that banks have reserving billions in refund compensation for, something so reliable and robust that they expect to have to give you all your money back because they conned you.
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Joined: Jul 31 2003 Posts: 36786 Location: Leafy Worcester, home of the Black Pear
Standee wrote:yes, because all exports to Europe have stopped, haven't they?
anyway, we'll never agree on politics, because I didn't chose to have children and then expect everyone else to help me pay their way.
My, you are having an off day, aren't you?
If all you're going to do is throw up straw men mixed in with a touch of ad hominem then I'll leave you to it. We both know where this will end and TBH I could do without spending time deleting messages from my PM inbox.
Hold on to me baby, his bony hands will do you no harm It said in the cards, we lost our souls to the Nameless One
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