General Zod. wrote:A few points from me:
1) I'm absolutely disgusted at Ben Cockayne.
2) Some of my fellow Rovers fans with their pathetic efforts of playing down the offence (in one way or another) by writing such trype as "my daughter says she sees fights like that in the playground" are absolutely deplorable.
3) It's noticable that the FC fans who want convict Crocker in the country have a different opinion in this case regardless of knowing the full facts of either case.
3) I would support an RFL rule to take action against thugs in the future from a certain date, though not retrospectively because all punishment should be consistent.
4) From a club point of view, I don't see why Rovers should take the morale high-ground when no other club has so far and in another case, another club actually gave character references despite the player concerned being a repeat offender (i.e. Raynor).
5) Castleford Tigers stance of sacking their young player is hypocriticial considering they had agreed terms with Cockayne before Rovers upped their offer.
If Rovers sack Cockayne then fair play to them. If they don't then fair play to them. I'm just really miffed about the whole episode itself and certain types of responses from both Rovers and Hull fans.
You were doing OK until the numbers started to confuse you.
1, 2 and the second 3 are good sensible points. I too feel let down that a player from my club has behaved like an idiot and agree that the RFL need to get something in place to cover this soon.
The first number 3 is ridiculous if you compare the sentences. £300 fine versus 51 weeks in prison seems to indicate that the affray in Crocker's case was not as serious as some like to think (the max sentence for this in a UK court is 3 years so to get away with a low fine gives an indication of the offence). Cockayne was convicted of actual bodily harm. He was effectively sent to prison, which is considerably worse that £300 (except perhaps in some parallel universe). No problem with having a different opinion of the two convictions. In fact your argument does seem to suggest that all convictions should be treated exactly the same.
For number 4, have you missed out a "not"? If I was a Rovers fan concerned about my club and the sport I would be delighted if the directors took the moral high ground. Especially as no other clubs have yet. It would send out a VERY strong message if one club did so.
For 5 how is it hypocritical of them to sack the player? Offering a deal to Cockayne is nothing to do with it. At the time no one had been convicted of an offence, now they have, Perhaps Cas have taken the moral high ground before you lot could get there?