Quote El Diablo="El Diablo"Don't mind some of U2's older stuff, but it's mostly in the "alright" category. Safe and steady, never brilliant. Their new stuff's mostly total plopsies (IMO) and I deeply despise all the ill-informed socio-political claptrap that Boner seems ot regard it as his duty to bore everyone to death with. Ooh, he's so aware. To55er. *breathe* Feel better now.'"
Meh, I likes what I likes and they're amazing live.
I even liked Discotheque which the hardcors U2 fans panned (as well as the critics).
Meh and thrice meh.
Besides, I never take moral or lifestyle guidance from anyone, ley alone a rockstar so Bono doesn't bother. Besides (again), whether muisguided or not he's only trying to do some good. Better that than some waste of oxygen like Pete Doherty.