Quote McLaren_Field="McLaren_Field"The real question that has not yet been answered by Doncaster but which will undoubtably be asked by any RFL enquiry is why, when an all-seater ground is involved, when Queens were sent a batch of tickets to purchase, why were opposition fans allowed to take up positions in that section ?
Thats the question that was on the lips of all the Queens supporters after the troublemakers appeared in their section, a section that included many women and children and indeed the young baby of one of the Queens players, and one that conveniently seems to have been ignored by Donny at the moment.'"
Lets get it right, the Keepmoat is not segregated for Rugby League games and the Doncaster supporters where already there before the Queens morons came out of the bar.
Funnily enough that section also included the Doncaster’s captains wife, two small children and father-in-law.
Must also add that Andy Wilson said he did not know the morons.