Quote SomersetSaint="SomersetSaint"Wigan doesn't work like that, the new coach will not be repsonsible for the team's perfomrance until he has been in post for at least 4 years when he has signed all of the players in the squad. Until then, he will be excused because the previous regime brought in Piggy, Roberts, Pryce et al on over inflated wages and 4 year contracts. On a positive note, if Wigan keep losing, he will be able to take over the side in the "relegation" position, and so as long as he wins a couple of games, he will be able to enjoy the Noble esque hero status for many years to come.'"
Exactly most clubs have coaches who have a settling in period and then run with the squad they have. Not at Wigan, we have to give each coach a settling in period of at least 4 years before they are held even slightly responsible for the teams performances.
Quite clearly we do not have bad players, but for some reason they are not performing, the sooner this is sorted the sooner we can move forward ax a club rather than being in this constant "transitional period".