all this seems to hinge on cookes contract or lack of it....
lets say that he actually has no contract with hull,and hes come out to say that hes a signed a 3 year deal with us but FC hold his registration.
can fc demand a fee for his registration????
what im thinking is lets say bradford saints wigan or any other team came in for him ,he is currently has a 3 year deal with kr but no registration as that is with fc(but still employed playing or not with kr)
does that mean that
1 we can demand a fee for him and hull will get nuffin
2 can hull demand a fee for his registration if its proven he has no contraqct with fc????
heres a thought bradford aproach KR about cooke and just for arguments sake offer 200k we then go back to FC and offer then comp of 100k and obtain his registation and then we transfer cooke to bradford earning 100k for doing not alot and also dislodging fc star man ...
bit far fetched but u never know...
but im hoping will just keep him